The lines we draw

There many ways to draw lines on a map. Using physical, natural, cultural, political, or geographic divisions are all valid ways to decide where to put a line on a map. The confusion comes when there are several common names for a particular place, especially when some of those common names derive from different divisions. This confusion is often a topic of conversation in Texas. For example, by one measure Dallas is in North Texas while Amarillo, despite the latter being farther north. Or another example is the confusion on where exactly West Texas begins. This confusion is compounded by all the different maps floating around. What one map labels “Panhandle Plains”, another splits into “High Plains” and “Rolling Plains” They are both valid maps, but which deciding which one is relevant to your particular conversation depends on the context.

Context is always important.

Another area with some confusion is the Texas Panhandle. I’ve thrown together a quick animation showing two of the two most commonly confused terms. It isn’t an exhaustive example of all the conflicting maps and names however.

What do you think?